vendredi 10 juillet 2015

General Facts About International Project Funding

By Jana Serrano

All over the world, donors and financial institutions welcome application for grants and loans so as to fund brilliant ideas which help in improving lives and standards of living within a community. Different organizations have unique goals which guide them in selecting projects to fund. International project funding goes a long way in ensuring that brilliant ideas are turned into a reality. However, for one to get funding they need to succeed in convincing the various financial institutions why their idea is worth the money.

Today, one can get funded to carry out different kinds of activities ranging from humanitarian efforts to businesses and even personal projects. It is important to note that most organization stick to funding specific projects thus one should carefully select the ones to approach. Grants are often given to organizations that carry out research and humanitarian aid where as loans are given for business based projects.

With many countries developing economically, banks and large financial institutions are going the extra mile to fund such project through loans so as to benefit from them. The main types of businesses that are being funded today include real estate development, renewable energy projects, alternative energy projects and transport infrastructure. It is important to note that most business group and companies often prefer international funding compared to local banks because they have lower interest rates.

When it comes to business loans for infrastructure development projects, one should ensure that they are eligible for the funds based on the financial institution regulations. Some of the key areas one must ensure that they are flawless include, having proper audited accounts, good debt history and good company financial health. Different investment banks have their unique requirements criteria.

Before writing a proposal, it is advised that one should take time to thoroughly investigate the cause they are pursuing. Poorly written proposals that are not well detailed often get rejected. It is important to have in mind that many people and companies are competing for the limited opportunities. Good proposals market the idea and capture the attention of the donors thus ensuring that the request for funds is successful.

Adhering to the stipulated format of writing the proposal is very important as failure to do so may result in your application being rejected. Clear and relevant examples should be used to explain your ideas and methods. Also, outcomes and intended outputs play a very important role in determining the viability of the project. It is through the expected outcomes that the donors determine the importance of the project and whether it is in line with their goals and objectives.

When it comes to business related projects, applicants should be keen on ensuring that their proposals clearly show that the minimum requirements have been met. Honesty is very important when it comes to making such applications. This is because expert financial analysts thoroughly evaluate the applications to ensure that the projects are viable.

It is important that all relevant documents required are submitted together with the application and proposal so as to ensure that the evaluation of the project can be effectively done. Another critical area that should be clearly documented is how the project will be managed. Having proper management strategies often builds confidence amongst the donors thus increasing the chances of having a successful application.

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